

社区服务 has always been a priority at 韦德娱乐app下载地址. 从开业那天到现在, 学生, 教师, and 工作人员 have given their time and skills to help build and enrich communities on and off campus.

关于马丁·路德·金. 一天, Solebury学生, 老师, and parents took part in various projects to serve our surrounding community. 活动包括:

  • No sew blanket making for Doylestown Hospital Cancer Alliance to patients undergoing chemotherapy. 
  • 编织和钩编方巾,捐赠给暖美国.
  • 出售珠宝制作以筹集资金(待定), but will support a charity that shares MLK’s aspirations for social justice.

“Service is important to me because it is a way of upholding your community and creating important connections with those around you,23岁的诺玛·埃利奥特分享道, 索莱伯里服务协会联席主席. “My favorite part of the day was sitting and knitting squares for the organization Warm Up America with my friends.”

当被问及这一天对她意味着什么时, 社区服务主任莎拉·梅分享道, “I love this day because we always get such an enthusiastic and dedicated group of volunteers. 我们获得了很多成就,并从中获得乐趣. 做好事感觉很好!——马丁·路德·金. 一天 of Service is just one of many efforts from the Solebury 社区服务 Club to better their school and the community around them. 

“Service Society is a very devoted and motivated group this year,” shared Sarah. “Initiatives the members are very interested in include raising awareness and funds around the issue of period poverty, as well advocating for accessibility of feminine hygiene products on our very own campus. 我们希望派遣定期志愿者到 费城现场.”

Other initiatives the Solebury Service Society is leading the charge on this year include working to educate and fundraise around the issue of refugee rights and support, 难民的计划, and a project to start regularly sending volunteers to an organization in Doylestown that provides services for autistic kids.

除了志愿者活动,我们的学生 社会公正 hosted a documentary screening about the experience of black youth in America, 接着是对纪录片的小组讨论.

When looking for a documentary screening for Martin Luther King 一天, it was the goal of Alex Tes ’24 and Allison Tes ’24 to find something that spoke to the Black experience in America from a Black perspective. 他们选择了纪录片, 《在世界与我之间,改编自Ta-Nehisi Coates的一本书. 在这部纪录片中, Coates retells his realities as a Black man in America in hopes of preparing his son for the struggles he will face. In doing so, this documentary portrays how racism has affected the Black community for generations. 

“我们很感激 《在世界与我之间 讲述了美国梦的复杂性. 更具体地说, Coates depicts “the Dream'' as two-sided with those who work to uphold the Dream—the suburban house with the white picket fence—and those who are left on the outside, 分享Alex和Allison. “Based on this, Coates says that dismantling racism works to invalidate the Dream. This documentary has successfully allowed other non-Black people to further educate themselves and to understand this perspective by giving a glimpse into the injustices that Black people encounter daily.”